Friday, September 6, 2024

Palawan Group of Companies reaffirms commitment to UP Fighting Maroons

(L-R): Bo Perasol, UP OASD Director; Jed Eva, Chairman of Nowhere to Go but UP; with Palawan Group of Companies Board Members: Lilian Castro-Selda, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer; Angelita M. Castro, Deputy Chairman; Korina Castro-Fernando, Chief Human Resources Officer; Goldwin Monteverde, UP Men’s Basketball Team Head Coach; and Paul Ramos, UP Women’s Basketball Team Head Coach.

The Palawan Group of Companies reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the University of the Philippines, holding a special memorandum of agreement signing that also doubled as a special send-off for the basketball program.

From initially supporting the men's basketball program, it has since expanded to include the women's team. And with the renewed partnership, it is now set to extend it to the high school program, which recently has begun its integration alongside its collegiate siblings, as it continues to foster athletic growth across all levels.

Considered as the Philippines' leading and most trusted pawnshop and remittance company, the Palawan Group continues to champion its mission of giving back to the community through education and sports development. Although noted for its support of the Fighting Maroons, they have also supported other sports like tennis and running.

To mark the signing, serving as signatories and witnesses included these individuals from the PGoC: Lilian Castro-Selda, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer; Korina Castro-Fernando, Chief Human Resources Officer; and Angelita Castro, Deputy Chairman, as well as officials connected the University, led by its president Atty. Angelo Jimenez, in addition to Jed Eva, Chairman of nowhere to go but UP; and Bo Perasol, Director of the UP Office for Athletics and Sports Development (OASD). Also gracing the ceremony are the collegiate head coaches of the Fighting Maroons in Goldwin Monteverde and Paul Ramos, as well as the players who will be its beneficiaries.

Castro-Selda shares about their renewed partnership, "As we celebrate our fifth year with the UP Men’s Basketball Team and expand our support to the Junior and Women’s Teams, this partnership reflects our shared roots and strong bond with the UP community and our Alma Mater. The resilience, perseverance, and pursuit of excellence that define UP are the same values that drive Palawan Group. Like the Fighting Maroons, we've faced challenges, grown stronger, and stayed true to our mission as we continue to strive to better serve our customers."

From the school's perspective, Perasol adds, "Palawan Group of Companies has been more than just a sponsor; they've been a true partner in our journey. Their support over the years has been invaluable, both on and off the court. Their unwavering commitment has elevated our program and played a crucial role in our growth and success. As we move forward, we’re grateful to have a dedicated partner who shares our passion for excellence and our commitment to making a difference in the world of sports."

With the partnership renewed, this not only highlights PGoC's commitment to the university, but also highlights the company's broader mission of supporting community development through sports. 

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